Julia Grasser
Vicolo Fischer 3,
I-39040 Auer (BZ)
E-Mail: info@julias-guesthouse.it
Phone: +39 339 6557102
VAT Nr. IT03236610212
Julia Grasser
Chamber of Commerce: Bozen
VAT Nr. IT02997840216
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Julia Grasser
Julias Guesthouse makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate. However, any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided is excluded. Furthermore, Julias Guesthouse is not responsible for the content of external websites connected via hyperlink. Julias Guesthouse reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.
Julias Guesthouse is responsible for the processing of personal data collected and processed during website access and use. The contact person for data protection is Julia Grasser.
Detailed information on the modalities of the management of the website in relation to the processing of personal data of those who consult this website can be found in the Privacy Policy section.
Foto von Ricardo Arce auf Unsplash
Foto von Michał Parzuchowski auf Unsplash
Foto von Conscious Design auf Unsplash
Julias Guesthouse – All rights reserved.